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Product Updates 2022
Thijs Gillebaart avatar
Written by Thijs Gillebaart
Updated over a week ago

For the product updates of 2021, see Product Updates 2021.

30/11/2022 - Viewing previous exercise versions

Grasple keeps track of all your changes in exercises. This allows you to view previous versions of your exercise, which can be especially useful if you collaborate on exercises with other teachers.

You can find the option "Exercise versions" in the "More" menu while editing an exercise. Click on it to open an overview of all versions.

30/11/2022 - Reviewing your answers during a practice session

While practicing you can return to previous exercises in the practice session if the course subject has a fixed set of exercises. Revisiting previous questions allows you to review your answers and the feedback that you received.

Click on the dot of a previous exercise in the navigation bar to revisit your previously given answers. If you see a progress bar instead of the dots, this means you are practicing in an adaptive session. You can't revisit previous exercises in this case.

28/11/2022 - Text export of a subject

Creating an PDF copy of a subject was already possible with the print option in the subject edit menu. But what if you wanted to get an overview of all of the text to (for example) translate a subject offline? Up until now you had to copy the text from different fields, which can be a tedious proces.

To make this easier we added the option to export all text of a subject. This option is now available via the edit menu of a subject:

23/11/2022 - Lesson information on course page

The course page showing all the content of a course to the student has been updated. On the course page the student can now see whether a subject has a lesson and/or exercises and whether they completed the lesson and/or exercises. The check-mark shows whether you have completed either one per subject and if the lesson/exercise is not available, this is indicated by the label being striked through.

See an example of the update course page below.

16/11/2022 - Tests now use versioned exercises

Before today, a test would always show the latest version of an exercise. Because of this, a student could see one version of an exercise while taking a test, but any changes made to the exercise during or after the test would also be visible while reviewing the test. To make things worse, a new version of the parameterised exercise would have different values for parameters, creating even more confusing situations if an exercise used in a test is changed.

To prevent these type of problems we now implemented the use of versioned challenges in tests.This means that from now on, students will always see the same version of an exercise as they have received the first time they have seen the exercise in the test, even if you update the exercise!

Note that different students can still receive different versions of an exercise if you edit the exercise during an open test, but an individual student will not notice anything of these updates anymore.

This functionality is not only available for the current versions of test, we also (try to) show the correct version of an exercise in older attempts of a test. Unfortunately, we do not always have the exact (older) version of an exercise available. In this situation we will show the first available version of an exercise and display the following message:

Comments, questions, remarks about this new feature? Please feel free to contact us and let us know!

09/11/2022 - Email Verification

From 9 November 2022 on, each user using/creating an email address + password account will need to verify they own the email address. This enhances the security of our platform and also ensures we know we are contacting the right person for messages regarding privacy, security or any other important information.

IMPORTANT: email verification is not required for users using Single Sign On (e.g. SURFConext) or LTI for authentication.

01/11/2022 - New dataset available for export: subject answers

Even though the Grasple platform offers insights in various learning analytics you may want to look at the data from a different perspective. To support this use-case there are several data-sets available for your courses.

As of today a new data-set is added which contains the answers given by students in practice sessions. You can learn more about this data-set (and the other available data-sets) in this help article.

26/10/2022 - Email verification enabled

From today on, we have enabled email verification. This means you need to verify your email address in case you have an account at Grasple with an email address and password. For now you can keep on using Grasple without verifying your email address.

However, from 8 November 2022 on, you are required to verify your email address before being able to use Grasple. This holds for all current and new accounts.

11/10/2022 - Configuration options for exporting a subject

Creating an PDF copy of a subject was already possible with the print option in the subject edit menu. Up until now it was only possible to print all of the information of all questions in a subject, which makes it harder to create a PDF copy of questions which do not contain the answers.

To make this easier we integrated multiple options to configure what information should be included in the printed subject:

Read more about how to print a subject and the available options in this article.

10/10/2022 - Schoolyear Integration

We now have a beta integration with the secure browser of Schoolyear (, allowing you to perform large scale summative testing with a Bring Your Own Device in a safe way.

NOTE: please be aware that using Grasple for summative testing is a paid add-on feature. Please contact us when wanting to use Grasple for summative testing (in combination with Schoolyear).

27/09/2022 - Reviewing practice sessions

When a student has completed a one or more practice sessions for a subject in a course, it's now possible to review these sessions afterwards.

22/09/2022 - Updated course editor including replacement option

The course editor allows you to make add and remove subjects from your course. With these two steps you can also replace a subject in a course with an updated version. However, if you remove a subject from your course all progress the students made will be removed, and current practice sessions will be stopped. This is not ideal in all situations.

To solve this issue we added the option to replace a subject within your course!

Using this functionality students will keep the progress for their subject, and can finish their practice and lesson sessions. Read more on this feature (and the course editor in general) in this article.

31/08/2022 - Automatic account coupling for SURFConext and LTI 1.3 integrations

When using both the SURFConext and LTI 1.3 integration of Grasple, users need to connect their Grasple accounts manually for security reasons. We've now implemented a method to which is a secure as the manual coupling and can be done automatically. This prevents users having to open their email inbox to retrieve a coupling link/code, which can be inconvenient (e.g. at the start of an exam).

This automatic coupling is optional and switched off by default. Read more on the information you need to provide us to set up this automatic coupling.

02/08/2022 - Progress per course instead of platform wide

We have released an update of our practice platform, that ensures that the practice sessions you complete in a course are only counted towards the progress of that specific course (and not towards progress in other courses with the same subject).

This update affects all progress achieved by students from August 2, 2022 9:45 CEST on.

The main reason for this change is to allow teachers to change the (versions of the) subjects in their course without students loosing their progress. This new feature allows teachers to create their own versions of open subjects (which you can find in the community repositories) or update their own subjects with a different version.

We will be releasing this feature soon.

04/07/2022 - Zero weight option for test questions

It is now possible to give exam questions a weight of zero points. This allows you to craft questions which, for example, provide information for on-paper exercises without altering the score of a test.

30/06/2022 - Updated the description of Algebraic Equivalent check method

The "Algebraic Equivalent" check is the default check method for math questions. Since the number of exercises and support for different types of mathematical expressions has been extended significantly, we've updated the description on how the check works and when it considers a LHS and RHS in an answer rule as equivalent.

22/06/2022 - Percentage of correct answers in test question results based on #received instead of #answered

Previously the percentage shown next to the number of correct answer for a question in a test was based on the #answered. With this update this has been changed to be a percentage relative to the number #received.

21/06/2022 - Copy challenges with name

When copying a challenge with a name the challenge name is now copied too.

21/06/2022 - Display challenge order at the start of each lesson

We now inform the student at the start of each lesson about the order of the challenges (adaptive or fixed). When the challenge order is adaptive the minimum amount of points that students will have to earn is also displayed.

21/06/2022 - New landing page for completed lessons

Previously, after completing a lesson students would jump right to the challenges. From now on students are presented a landing page after completing a lesson, in order to clearly indicate their location. On this new page users can start or resume practicing with challenges (if challenges are present in the lesson). It's also possible to return to the lesson or course overview.

15/06/2022 - Close or re-open a student's test session

As a teacher you want to have control on whether the test session (i.e. attempt) of a specific student should be closed or re-opened. For example, for on-site exams you want to check whether they have submitted their exam digitally (in Grasple) before leaving the room. This new feature allows you to close the exam session of the student yourself if the student did not do this.

07/06/2022 - New editable settings for (sub)questions

You can now change the settings per subquestion to control the number of attempts, feedback and points per attempt. This allows you to have more detailed control on how the subquestion is used.

For example, you can use these new settings together with decision tree exercises to use follow-up questions to the main questions, without providing the correct answer already in the feedback.

19/05/2022 - Improved lesson navigation

If you need to navigate to a specific piece of content in a lesson, previously that meant clicking through a lot of slides until you reached the desired one. In our latest update we improved the navigation in order to make it easier to jump around in a lesson. Click on the "Slides" button in the navigation bar to show all lesson content.

The name of text and question slides can be customised in the lesson edit mode.

10/05/2022 - Configure start and end dates for your courses

Starting today, start and end dates can be specified for new and existing courses. This course data also allows Grasple to offer the best possible support to teachers and students. You can either fill in the dates by typing or by selecting a date in the calendar.

25/04/2022 - View all of your courses on the new overview page

If you have a lot of courses in Grasple you might want to try our new courses overview page. It allows you to see all of your courses at a glance. You can bookmark courses to keep them at the top of the list for convenient access. Alternatively you can sort your courses however you prefer, by clicking on one of the headings (e.g. "Name").

Visit your current course and click on "view all courses here" to navigate to the courses overview page.

If you do not need a complete overview of your courses but would like to navigate quickly to a course in your (long) list of courses, you can also use the coursename bar to search the list. By selecting the current coursename, you activate the possibility to type. The list of coursenames will consequently be filtered based on your input.

20/04/2022 - Practicing with points / coordinates

Do you want to create exercises to let your students practice with N-dimensional points / coordinates? This update makes it possible to do this now within Grasple!

More details on the exact syntax and possibilities can be found in this article.

11/04/2022 - Configure your automatic formative tests

Automatic formative tests are a great tool to generate feedback and insights with very little effort. In our latest update we have increased the amount of settings that can be configured for self tests. Set starting and closing times, limit the amount of questions and attempts or enable the scientific calculator. The many available settings offer a great amount of flexibility to tailor your educational experience.

21/03/2022 - Adding students to courses without email invite

There are several different ways in which you can add students to your course in Grasple. In most cases, you have fine-grained control over which student can enrol in your course. This is done by creating personalised invite links which are sent to the email address of each student. This ensures that only that specific student can access the link, but it also requires the student to access their email inbox.

However, requiring email access is not always a viable option, especially in an exam setting. To make this easier, we have made it possible to add students to a course without the need for an email invite. Instead, you can use your internal Organisation User ID:

More information about this feature, the benefits, and the requirements can be found in this help article.

16/03/2022 - Show student name during summative tests

When you use Grasple for (on-site) summative testing you would like to be able to inspect whether the student making the exam is logged in to their own account without disturbing them. This is now possible for summative tests in Grasple.

For all summative tests the student name is shown in the top-left corner of the application.

02/03/2022 - Block access to other Grasple content during a (summative) test

When using Grasple for your (summative) tests, you sometimes want to prevent students from accessing any other content within Grasple while taking the test. You can now do this with a new advanced setting for tests within Grasple, which will block access to any other content in Grasple as long as the student/user is taking a test.

As soon as the student has submitted their test attempt (or is automatically submitted when their time is up) they will have access again to all other content.

22/02/2022 - Configure IP Filters in tests yourself as teacher

You can now configure the IP Filters in your tests yourself as a teacher, without the help of an organisation admin. This gives you more control as teacher on who can access the test from which location, making sure you can make last minute adjustments if needed.

A important note: organisation admins still have to define the IP Groups for the organisation.

15/02/2022 - See evaluation status and assigned points for test answers

When manually adjusting the given points and markings for test answers as a teacher, you want to have a clear overview on what the current evaluation status and assigned points are for a question.

Until now you could only see this in an export or in the specific results for a student. With the latest update you can now also see this information in the list of answers per question in your test result overview.

To view this new update, go to one of your tests, open up a specific question and checkout the new columns in the list of answers on the bottom of each question.

15/02/2022 - Create and resend a new course invite if the previous one has been used

There are several ways to add students to your course (read more about this here). One of the methods is sending a personal invite to each student (with one click), which will sent an email with a personal link to each student.

Such a link can only be used once after which the link cannot be used anymore to join the course.

Sometimes students share the invite link with their fellow students, which then uses that link to register for the course. This prevent the original student from registering for the course you invited them for.

As a teacher you can now create and resend a new invite to the same email address allowing you to give the student access to the course without our help.

14/01/2022 - Import your Groups or Sections from Brightspace

You can now import the groups or sections from Brightspace with a single click of a button. This allows you to have one place to create your group structure (i.e. Brightspace) and use that easily within Grasple.

You can either import groups or sections with this functionality.

This functionality uses the newly developed Brightspace API integration. Read more about how to set this up here.

13/01/2022 - You can now add meta-data to an exercise

When editing an exercise you sometimes want to add some meta-data which explains what the exercise aims to do, how it is build, or what still needs to be done. As of today, you can do that via the notes menu which you can find on the right-side of your screen:

This note is not shown when an exercise is either practiced or used in a test. It is a free-form field which you can use to note down anything you want. To make sure it is not always in the way you can close the note by clicking on the arrow button:

More information on this feature and other things you can do in the editor can be found in this help-article.

06/01/2022 - Skipping a question does not show the detailed solution anymore

Since 06/01/2022 the skip functionality in questions (in a subject lesson) and exercises (during practicing a subject) does not show the detailed solution anymore, but navigates the user directly to the next question/exercise.

Students can still get the detailed solution by either answering correctly, or trying to answer the question 3 times. After these 3 (incorrect) attempts the detailed solution will be shown to the user.

NOTE: this update does not influence the skip functionality during test.

Motivation for changing the skip functionality

Before this update a student could easily see the correct answer by just skipping the question/exercise.

Multiple Grasple users have indicated that the current behaviour is didactically sub-optimal, and we agree. Therefore we changed this functionality.

Questions or feedback?

Do you have any questions/feedback for us? Please reach out to us via the chat icon in the bottom right corner.

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