There are detailed analytics available for each question in your manual tests. To see the analytics of a question follow these steps:
Go to "Tests" via the main navigation menu
Click "View Results" of the test you are interested in
Select the question from either the list of "Questions with lowest score" or from the question list at the bottom of the page.
Below you can see the two options for going to a specific question highlighted.
Once you have selected the question you will get the aggregate analytics of all sub-questions in that specific question. Below you see an example of an open math question using answer rules.
For multiple choice questions the layout of the dashboard will look like the example below.
Aggregated analytics
For each sub-question (independent of question type) the top row shows you aggregated analytics:
#received: number of students who received the question during the test.
NOTE: when using questions pools this is not the same number of number of students who completed the test.#answered: number of student who gave an answer to the question. The difference between #received and #answered is the number of students who skipped the question. The percentage shown is relative to #received.
#correct: number of students who answered correct and received the full points. The percentage shown is relative to #received.
average points: the average number of points the students scored. This is taking into account the students who skipped the question and received 0 points.
Answer specific analytics
Below the aggregated analytics, you can see the description, question and a list of one of the following depending on the type of question:
Multiple choice answers
Predefined answer rules
Predefined open answers
Predefined answer rules and open answers
For open questions you can specify open answers or answer rules (learn more about answer rules here). In the dashboard you can see these answers and the following information: the answer (rule) id, open answer (rule) definition, correct and frequency.
See the example below. Note that the length of the blue bar in each item is showing the frequency visually.
NOTE: The frequencies shown are relative to #answered.
If an answer rule is more complex a preview can't be shown, but you can see the details of each answer rule in the question edit overview by looking up the rule id listed at the left of each item.
Multiple choice answers
For multiple choice questions you will see all predefined answers, whether they are correct or incorrect and the frequency.
Below you see an example of the analytics per multiple choice answer.
NOTE: The frequencies shown are relative to #answered.
Individual answers
In addition to seeing aggregate question and answer analytics, you can also view the individual answers given by students. To view the answers, click on the "Show Individual Answers" toggle button. This will load all answers given by students, so this might take some time (a couple of seconds).
Answer rules and predefined open answers
For open questions you will see the both the triggered rule id ("-" if none was triggered), their answer and whether it was marked correct or incorrect by color (green vs red). If the answer field shows a question mark icon, the student skipped the question.
See an example below.
Multiple choice questions
For multiple questions you will see their answer and whether it was marked correct or incorrect by color (green vs red). If the answer field shows a question mark icon, the student skipped the question.
See an example below.
Showing student names and ids
Optionally you can also view the name and optionally the student id of the student who gave the answer. With the button "Show result" you will go to the individual student's test-question result page.
Navigating back
To get back to the overall results screen, you can either click on back in the browser or use the link at the top of the page showing you where you are in your test results. See below the highlighted link for going back to your overall test result.
More analytics
Are you missing analytics or do you have ideas on how to get more information out of the current analytics? Let us know by chatting with us by clicking the chat icon in the bottom right corner of this page.