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Close or re-open a student's test session as a teacher
Close or re-open a student's test session as a teacher
Thijs Gillebaart avatar
Written by Thijs Gillebaart
Updated over a week ago
NOTE: this is an expert feature. Please be careful when using this feature since you are directly influencing the test sessions of students and, thus, their grades being scored in those tests.

As a teacher, you want to have control on whether an individual student's test session (i.e. attempt) should be closed or re-opened. For example, for on-site exams, you want to check whether they have submitted their exam digitally (in Grasple) before leaving the room. This feature allows you to close the exam session of the student yourself if the student did not do this.

Read more below on how to use this and what the consequences are of closing and re-opening a test session.

NOTE: you have to be a teacher in the course to be able to do this. As a tutor you are NOT allowed to take this action, since they directly impact the test sessions of a student which can only be manipulated by a teacher.

Closing a test session for a student

Consequences of closing a test session

Closing a test session will make sure students cannot alter any answers they have given. If a student tries to do this, they will be informed that the session is closed and redirected to their result page.

Be sure to not close sessions for students who are still working on that session unless you actually want to prevent them from giving any answers. Please use the general time restrictions provided for tests and extra-time options when you want to set up your test to automatically close a session at a certain time or after a certain duration.

How to close a test session

You can close a test session by finding the student in the live-dashboard of a test and clicking the "submit session" button. Take the following steps to do this:

  1. Go to the live dashboard of the specific test. Read here on how to get there.

  2. Find the student in the list. Then, see the "edit session" column on the far right of the table.

  3. Click the "Submit session" button and confirm that you want to close this session.

NOTE: The closing and processing of a session is always done in the background. When closing a session, the status will be "processing". If you want to see if the session has been processed, refresh the page to see the current status.

See an example of how this looks below.

Re-opening a test session for a student

In addition to being able to close a session, you can also re-open a session for a student. Read more about what the consequences of doing this are and how to do this below.

Consequences of re-opening a test session

Re-opening a test session will make sure the student can alter their answers and provide new answers to questions again. All their previously given answers in that session are kept and shown to the student when navigating. The won't be able to see any feedback on those answers.

When opening a session, by default it will re-open the session with the same end-time. This can be an end-time in the past. If you open the session with an end-time in the past, it will be closed within one minute again by our automatic test closing mechanism and students won't be able to alter their answers.

When specifying a new end-time, this end-time will be used as as the new end-time and will not be automatically updated when updating your test settings end-time, duration or any other time related settings. The end-time provided by you will be locked until the student submits their attempt or until it is automatically closed at that specific time.

Be sure to not re-open a test session without a end-time, unless you know for sure the student will submit that attempt themselves again. If no end-time is set (either by default or specified by you), the attempt will never automatically close. Please use the general time restrictions provided for tests and extra-time options when you want to setup your test to automatically keep a session open for a longer than normal time.

How to re-open a test session

You can re-open a test session by finding the student in the live-dashboard of a test and clicking the "Reopen session" button. Take the following steps to do this:

  1. Go to the live dashboard of the specific test. Read about how to get there.

  2. Find the student in the list. Then, see the "edit session" column on the far right of the table.

  3. Click the "Reopen session" button.

  4. Optionally, specify a new end-time if the previous end-time has passed or is not correct anymore.

NOTE: The time you specify is always in the Europe/Amsterdam timezone. This is the same for test settings regarding opening and closing times.

See an example of how this looks below.

Questions or feedback?

If you have any questions about or feedback on this functionality, please reach out to us via the chat icon in the bottom right or via emailing us at

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