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Integrating our platform via LTI
This collection contains articles that describe the different integration possibilities with our platform.
Combining LTI and Single-Sign-On (e.g. SURFConext) for your organisation
Integrating Grasple into your Learning Management SystemThis article describes the basics of Grasple as a LTI plugin.
Syncing Grades with your LMSWant to sync the test results in Grasple to your LMS? This is possible with the LTI integration.
Configuring Automated Grade SyncingInstead of creating grades in your LMS for a single test it is also possible sync grades for all tests automatically.
LTI integration with Blackboard
This collection contains articles that describe how to integrate your Grasple course in Blackboard.
Linking your Grasple course to BlackboardThis article describes the steps on how to link your course within Blackboard
Syncing test results with your Blackboard GradebookTo link a Grasple test to your Blackboard course just follow the steps below!
LTI integration with Brightspace
This collection contains articles that describe how to integrate your Grasple course in Brightspace.
Linking your Grasple course to BrightspaceThis article describes how you can link your Grasple course to your Brightspace page as a teacher.
Syncing test results with your Brightspace Gradebook
Import course groups or sections from Brightspace
Gebruikershandleiding voor docenten via BrightSpace LMS integratie (NL)
LTI integration with Canvas
This collection contains articles that describe how to integrate your Grasple course in Canvas.
Linking your Grasple course to CanvasThis article describes how you can link your Grasple course to your Canvas page as a teacher.
Syncing test results with your Canvas Gradebook
LTI integration with Moodle
This collection contains articles that describe how to integrate your Grasple course in Blackboard.
Linking your Grasple course to MoodleThis article describes how you can link your Grasple course to your Moodle page as a teacher.
Syncing test results with your Moodle GradebookTo link a Grasple test to your Moodle course just follow the four steps below!
For admins: installation of LTI 1.3 Advantage
This collection contains articles that help with the installation and understanding of the integration of Grasple within your LMS (for admins).
For Admins: Moodle LTI Advantage (1.3) InstallationThis article describes how you can configure the LTI Advantage (1.3) installation between Grasple and Moodle.
For Admins: Blackboard LTI Advantage (1.3) InstallationThis article describes how you can configure the LTI Advantage (1.3) installation between Grasple and Blackboard.
For Admins: Brightspace LTI Advantage (1.3) InstallationThis article describes how you can configure the LTI Advantage (1.3) installation between Grasple and Brightspace.
For Admins: Canvas LTI Advantage (1.3) InstallationThis article describes how you can configure the LTI Advantage (1.3) installation between Grasple and Canvas.