To set up Grasple as a tool in Canvas, take the following steps:
Get in touch with us
Configure the LTI Developer Key
Enable the LTI Developer Key
Share Canvas information with Grasple
Verify the correct installation of Grasple as a tool in Canvas
Information per step
1. Get in touch with us
Before taking any next steps, get in touch with us through to ensure we can support you through this process!
We will provide you with the correct configuration details for the configuration of the LTI Developer Key.
2. Configure the LTI Developer Key
Login to your Canvas environment as administrator
Create new LTI Developer Key
[Developer Keys] > [+ Developer Key] > [+LTI Key]
Fill in the form fields of Key Settings per the information provided by Grasple:
Redirect URIs (paste both)
Select "Paste JSON" as method
Paste the JSON configuration file provided by Grasple under "LTI 1.3 Configuration"
Configure LTI Advantage Services
Configure Additional Settings
Check if the JSON file configures the Additional Settings ("Domain" equals the domain provided by Grasple)
Configure Placements
Check if both "Link Selection" and "Assignment Selection" are available in Placements
Save LTI Developer Key and copy Client ID
Click "Save" to complete the configuration of the LTI Developer Key
Copy Client ID in Developer Keys overview
Note down the Client ID given in the column 'Details' in the overview Developer Keys
3. Enable the LTI Developer Key
Add and install a new App
[Admin] > [Name Account] > [Settings] > [View App Configurations] > [+App]
For "Configuration Type", enter "By Client ID"
For "Client ID", enter the Client ID you copied from the Developer Keys overview
Click "Install" to install the new app
View app to copy Deployment ID
View the app on the "External Apps" page
Open the settings of the app and click on "Deployment ID"
Note down the Deployment ID
4. Share Canvas information with Grasple
Email the following information to your Grasple contact
General information of your Canvas LMS
Authentication Request Endpoint
Canvas OAuth2 Access Token
Canvas Public JWKs
Client ID (found in: Developer Keys)
Deployment ID (found in: External Apps)
We will configure the installation on our side and will confirm once the LTI1.3 integration is live.
5. Verify the correct installation of Grasple as a tool in Canvas
To verify the correct installation of Grasple in Canvas, take the following steps:
Go to a course where Grasple as an External App is enabled
Go to the modules section and add an activity to the module
Click ‘+’, select ‘External Tool’ and select ‘Grasple’
Accept the privacy question pop-up and select module to be linked
Check that content is properly linked
Click on content and see subjects
Click on subject and see description
Log in as a student and click on the subject and see the description
Contact and questions
If the installation and/or verification was not successful, contact our LTI integration department via We can provide you with detailed information per step and investigate any issues.