Steps for linking a Grade to your Grasple activity:
1. Toggle Edit mode within your Moodle course
2. Add Grasple as an activity or resource within the module of your course and click [Select content]
3. Select your course and select the test to be linked
3. Under Grade, make sure the type is set to Point
4. Once you have configured the settings of your activity, click [Save and return to course]
The results of the students will now be included in the Grader report of the Moodle course.
If you would like to review and adjust the weights of the grades, navigate to Grades > Gradebook setup.
Important notes
Older grades won’t be synced if you alter the grade type from None to Point after publication
Synchronisation will be stopped if you remove the activity or alter the grade type to None
If multiple attempts are allowed, the highest grade will always be synced to Moodle
Grades will only be synced for tests, not for practice modules
Syncing grades can take a couple of minutes
All types of tests can be linked to a Moodle gradebook, so there's no distinction between e.g. formative and summative tests
Configuring Automated Grade Syncing (for all tests)
Instead of creating Grade Items manually on a test-by-test basis it is also possible to automatically create Grade Items for all tests in your course. See this help article for more information.
My Grasple activities are not visible in the Grader report
To be able to utilise the Grade sync, the LTI1.3 Privacy settings should be configured to:
Share launcher’s name with tool: Yes
Share launcher’s email with tool: Yes
Accept grades from the tool: Yes
In case your Grade sync does not work, confirm with your Moodle administrator if the above settings are true for your integration.
The grade is hidden in the Grader report
If the grade in the grader report is hidden (see screenshot above), check the settings of your Grasple test and ensure that students are allowed to review their results after the test.
Other issues
In case the above steps do not solve your issue, check the Moodle logs for any error messages related to the LTI tool and contact