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Syncing test results with your Brightspace Gradebook
Thijs Gillebaart avatar
Written by Thijs Gillebaart
Updated over a month ago

To link a Grasple test to your Brightspace course, just follow the five easy steps below!

Creating Grade items

  1. Select the test via deep-linking

  2. Add Grade Item to the activity

  3. Select one Grade Item

  4. Check that Grade Item is linked

    IMPORTANT: Make sure to refresh the page after saving the grade item. This will make sure the information about the Grade Item is now available in Grasple such that grades can be shared with Brightspace.

  5. After students have answered test questions, view their grades in Brightspace Gradebook

Important notes

  • You can add the LTI link and grade-item any time. As soon as you add the Grade-Item and you refresh the page (to ensure we know the grade-item is added), grades will be synced (retro-actively).

  • You can only add one grade item to a test

  • Removing the grade item from the test stops the syncing

  • If multiple attempts are allowed, the highest grade will always be synced to Brightspace

  • Grades will only be synced for tests, not for practice modules

  • Syncing grades can take a couple of minutes

  • Grades of course teachers won’t be synced to Brightspace

    • NOTE: Brightspace does not have a gradebook entry for the non-students in a course

  • All types of tests can be linked to a Brightspace gradebook, so there's no distinction between e.g. formative and summative tests

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