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Syncing Grades with your LMS

Want to sync the test results in Grasple to your LMS? This is possible with the LTI integration.

Thijs Gillebaart avatar
Written by Thijs Gillebaart
Updated over a week ago

Within the LTI Integration Grasple provides, it is possible to automatically sync the grades of the Grasple course test results to your LMS.

When are the grades synced?

The grades will be synced when one of two events happen:

  • The score of an attempt is set/updated

    • A student finishes a test attempt

    • A teacher changes the score of a test attempt by manually grading answers.

  • The LTI links grade-item is updated in the LMS and this update is sent to Grasple. For example: when adding a grade-item to an LTI link in Brightspace after you already published the link, will sync all grades retro-actively to ensure the grade information in Brightspace is up to date with the ones in Grasple.

What grades are synced?

Whenever we sync a grade to the LMS, we determine the highest score for that particular Grasple test based on all the attempts of a particular student.

This means, that we make sure that the grades synced to the LMS are the highest grade on that specific test for each of the students in your course.

Configuring Grade Syncing

To ensure the grades from the tests in your course are synced, you need to setup an LTI link for each of the tests in your Grasple course. How to do this exactly depends on your LMS (e.g. Brightspace, Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle). Follow the specific instructions on each of these LMSs to learn how to set up such an LTI link.

If you can't find the instructions for your LMS or are struggling with setting it up, please reach out to us!

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