To join a course, students often have to log in using their university account. However, it happens that you have already created a personal account with the same email address. To keep your progress, you can connect the two accounts in 8 simple steps.
Step 1.
Go to the login page on the platform.
Step 2.
Click on the blue button "Sign in with University Account" to sign in with your university email address.
Step 3.
Search for your university.
Step 4.
Sign in using the credentials of your university account. This goes through SURFConext. Note: the page differs per university. You will recognize the logo of your organization.
Step 5.
The system will recognize that you already have an account. You are now asked to connect your two accounts. Click on the red button to verify your personal account.
Step 6.
An email is sent to your personal email address. Open it.
Step 7.
βYou received an email with a link that will verify your personal account. Click on the button to verify and connect your account.
Step 8.
Congrats! You have now connected your personal and university's account. You can join the course that the university has created for you, and you still have your progress from the personal account.
Don't forget: next time you log in, use your university email address. That's now your only account.
If you have any other questions or remarks, please let us know! You can chat with us through the button in the bottom right corner.