In the teacher-dashboard you can add, remove and edit the members of your teaching team. These actions are only available for teachers, not for tutors.
Add a teacher
These are the steps to take to add a teacher to your course:
Log in to the platform
Click on Monitor at the upper right of the screen
Click on '+ Invite Teacher'
Search for your colleague using their name or email address
If your colleague shows up in the search results, you can select a role (tutor or teacher) and click on 'add to course'.
If your colleague does not show up in the search results, you can invite them by clicking on 'Invite new teacher'.
Fill in the name and email address of your colleague, and select a role (tutor or teacher).
Click on 'Send Invite', after which an invite will be sent to the teacher.
Teacher Roles
There are two roles available when adding a teacher to your course: teacher or tutor.
A tutor has the following rights: viewing Monitor and Tests, adding and inviting students and creating new exercises and learning materials.Teacher
βA teacher has admin rights on your course. A teacher has all the rights a tutor has plus the following rights: adding and removing teachers and changing the course content (adding and removing lessons in course).
Please be aware that adding a new team member with a teacher role, gives them the same rights as you have. This means that they have the right to remove you from your own course.
Do the two roles available to you not suit you? Please let us know and we will work on a solution for you.
Remove a teacher
Here is a short video showing how simple it is to remove a teacher. Only a teacher (not a tutor) has the rights to do this.
There are 5 steps to take to remove a teacher from your course:
Log in to the platform
Click on Monitor at the upper right of the screen
Click on the Tab "Teachers"
Find the teacher or tutor in the list of team members
Click Remove, which will remove the member from your course
You can always invite the member back into the course by adding the teacher as explained above.
Only want to change the role of the member? You can do this by editing the teacher as explained below.
Edit a teacher
Here is a short video showing how simple it is to edit the role of a teacher. Only a teacher (not a tutor) has the rights to do this.
There are 5 steps to take to change the role of a teacher in your course:
Log in to the platform
Click on Monitor at the upper right of the screen
Click on the Tab "Teachers"
Find the teacher or tutor in the list of team members
Click Edit
Change the role and click Save
Are there functionalities missing in our course management? Please email us at to let us know and we will work on a solution for you.