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How to add specific feedback in my exercises?
Thijs Gillebaart avatar
Written by Thijs Gillebaart
Updated over 2 weeks ago

In each question (within a lesson) or exercise you can add additional answers with specific feedback per answer. Common cases to use this functionality are:

  • To provide specific feedback for common mistakes in an exercise. For example: students often misunderstand the difference between standard deviation and the variance.

  • If there are multiple correct answers to a question.

Additional Answers in Math Exercises

If you create or edit a Grasple exercises of the "Math" type, you can add additional answers using answer rules. Answer rules give more options than the basic "additional answers" method for math exercises. With answer rules you can add:

  • automatic specific feedback based on the (characteristics of the) student's answer (e.g. give specific feedback to help correct a misconception)

  • custom made answer checks by combining operations and check-methods (e.g. check if the derivative of the student answer equals a parameterised function)

  • answer dependent variables in feedback (e.g. calculate the integral of the answer of the student and show it in the feedback at specific moments)

To read more on how to add additional answers, specific feedback, custom answer checks and answer dependent variables for math exercises, read the article on answer rules.

Additional Answers

Simple additional answers can still be used in questions (in a lesson) and exercises of the type "Numeric" or "One Word Answer". Below you can read the step-by-step instruction on how to do this.

Steps for adding additional answers

You can directly add additional answers and specific feedback while editing an exercise. Below you see the steps you need to take illustrated with an example.

1. Open the edit view of the exercise

2. Click the button "edit answers and specific feedback"

3. Add additional answers by using the button "+ add additional answer"

4. Indicate the answer, whether it is correct and provide specific feedback (optional)

5. Press the button "Save and close" and preview your exercise (which automatically saves it). Enter the answer you've just added and see the feedback appear.

Partial Points for Answer (Rules)

In addition to specific feedback, you can also assign partial points to answers and answer rules. These will be automatically applied during practice and tests, just like the correct/incorrect label.


That's how you can add additional answers and specific feedback. If you have any questions about or feedback on this functionality, just let us know via the chat or email!

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