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Math Highlights in Grasple
Written by Victoria Hobdale
Updated over 11 months ago

Here is a quick overview of the math related functionalities in Grasple:

Computer Algebra System

The essential feature of a math homework system: the Computer Algebra System (CAS). This system can compare mathematical answers to determine if they are equivalent.

For example: correct answer: 2x+2. Student types: 2(x+1), which is automatically marked correct.

Special checks

Sometimes, you want students to write the answer in the final form. For example: ½ instead of 2/4. This can be easily achieved with our “exact form check”.

Also, in certain areas in math, there are often infinitely many correct solutions. For example in Linear Algebra. Grasple contains multiple specialised checks, so that all answers that are correct, are recognised as being correct. (more info in this help guide)

Math editor and LaTeX support

Quickly create math exercises (with symbols, integrals, matrices)
by using a) the visual editor b) write LaTeX. (more info in this help guide)


In math, you have to practice. With parameterization, you can quickly create variations of the same exercise, changing the numbers every time. (more info in this help guide)


Save time creating exercises by using the Computer Algebra System (CAS) to create questions. Instead of manually having to type the formules, you can use the operators. For example, use the determinant operator on a matrix and obtain the result right away. (more info in this help guide)

Paramatrized Graphs

Generate 2d graphs of multiple parameterized functions.
Learn how to create these graphs using this guide.

Also on our roadmap: creating interactive graphs, where students can interact with the graphs using a slider. (See a working example of interactive graphs in this lesson on Taylor polynomials)

Specific feedback

Provide specific feedback to common misconceptions by using answer rules. Using this feature, it also possible to provide feedback based on characteristics of the student’s answer.

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