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How do I change the settings of a test?
How do I change the settings of a test?
Written by Victoria Hobdale
Updated over 5 months ago

For the manual and the self tests you can change settings.

NOTE: Self-tests only allow a subset of settings to be changed. Below it is indicated if a setting is only available for manual test.

Content settings

  • Selection method: random or fixed-order (manual test only)

  • Maximum number of questions (if random selection order)

Access settings

  • Date and time from which the test is open for students

  • Date and time until the test is open for students (e.g. when does the test closes)

  • Maximum time a student has to complete a test attempt (i.e. duration)

  • Maximum number of attempts a student can take (default is unlimited)

IMPORTANT: the general closing time of the test will always supersede the duration (including the additional time).
​So: at closing time, all attempts will be automatically closed, including the attempts with additional time.

Test type and content locking

  • Specify the test type: formative or summative (manual test only)

  • Prevent editing of questions when students have seen them in the test (only available for summative tests)

Student view settings (during test)

  • Show/hide the maximum number of points per question during and after the test

Student review settings (after submit)

  • Show/hide score feedback for students after submitting their test attempt

  • Show/hide question feedback for students after submitting their test attempt

Other settings for Manual Tests

The settings below are available for manual tests (if enabled within your organisation):

Adjusting settings for a test

To change the settings, go to the edit view of the test. You can get there via two ways:

  1. Click on the test in your course and click on edit in the top right

  2. Go to the repository in which the test is located and click on the test you want to change the settings for.

Below you see an example of the edit view of a manual diagnose.

To change a single setting you take two steps:

  1. Enable the setting by clicking the switch in front of it, such that it turns blue

  2. Indicate the value of the settings

WARNING: Don't forget to save the test after changing the settings!

Note: to make sure you indicate a valid date and time, please use the menu which opens if you click the input box.

Formative versus Summative (manual only)

For summative testing within Grasple additional contractual agreements are required. Please contact support to discuss the options and availability of summative testing via Grasple within your organisation.

Prevent editing of questions when used in a test

If you specify that a test is summative you will see an additional setting:

  • "Prevent editing of questions after a student viewed it".

By default this is disabled, but you can enable this to prevent and further changes to questions once they are viewed by a student in this test.

Toggling this setting makes sure that a question is gets locked, i.e. it cannot be edited anymore as soon as a student viewed it in the test. The edit screen only allows the question to be copied. This will only be done when a student has viewed a question, previewing the test as a teacher does not result in a lock.

Display the maximum points per question

In Grasple you can specify the number of points per (sub)question a student can receive. You read more on how to do this here in the article "How do I set the points per question in a test?".

By default these points are not shown to the students during or after the test. If you want to show the points to the students, enable the setting "Display max points per question" as shown below:

During a test each (sub)question will show the maximum number of points a student can score for that specific (sub)question. See an example below:

NOTE: if you disable "Display max points per question" but enable the "show received and max points" in the Student review settings, the maximum points will be shown to the student after the test, but NOT during the test.

Enable helper tables

By default students have access to tables contains (a portion of) statistical values. In addition, an area calculator for the normal distribution is at the disposal of students. If this is not desirable for a test you can disable these tables by toggling this setting off.

Enable scientific calculator (experimental feature)

You can enable a scientific calculator for students during a test. This is still an experimental feature, which can change over time.

Allow students to review the results and feedback

As teacher you can determine what students can see after they have submitted their test. You have two options:

  • Show/hide score feedback for students after submitting their test attempt

  • Show/hide question feedback for students after submitting their test attempt

You can change these options at any time (after the test as well), giving you the options to allow student to see the feedback at the moment you want them to.

"Show end score to students"

Enabling the option "Show end score to students" shows their score on a scale of 0 to 100% based on the points they scored.

An example of a result screen for a student after they have submitted the test with this option enabled is shown below, where you can see the overall score and points. Disabling this option hides the points and overall score.

"Allow students to review questions"

This option controls whether students can see whether the students can review the answers they gave per question. When enabling this settings students can see whether the answers they gave are marked correct or incorrect.

Disabling this option prevent students from seeing their answers and the questions after they have submitted the test.

In addition to showing the correctness of their answer there are two more settings which you can use to control what students can see when reviewing their answer after submitting:

  • the (answer specific) feedback you've provided in the question itself (via the detailed solution or answer-rules feedback in the question edit mode)

  • the points they received for their answer based on the maximum number of points they could have received

Show answer correctness enabled, show feedback and received points disabled

Below you see an example what a student can see if you enabled this option and only show the correctness per question.

The test settings screen corresponding to these settings is shown below:

Show answer correctness and feedback enabled, show received points disabled

Below you see an example what a student can see if you set these option and show the correctness and feedback per question.

The test settings screen corresponding to these settings is shown below:

Show answer correctness, feedback and received points enabled

Below you see an example what a student can see if you set these option and show the correctness, feedback and received points per question. Highlighted is the received points.

The test settings screen corresponding to these settings is shown below:

NOTE: if you disable "Display max points per question" but enable the "show received and max points" in the Student review settings, the maximum points will be shown to the student after the test, but NOT during the test.


If you have any questions regarding the settings, please reach out to support via the chat icon in the bottom right.

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