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How to change settings per question?

Do you want to change the maximum number of attempts, points per attempt or what feedback is shown at the end for each question?

Thijs Gillebaart avatar
Written by Thijs Gillebaart
Updated over a week ago

Grasple allows you to change the practice settings per (sub)question in an exercise to allow for more detailed control on the following properties:

  • the maximum number of attempts a student can use for answering that specific subquestion (default is 2 attempts)

  • the feedback shown to the student sees when they have answered the subquestion incorrectly at the last attempt (default is the correct answer and the detailed solution).

  • the percentage of the full points when they answer the subquestion correctly in X number of attempts (default is 100% points at the first attempt, 50% points on the second attempt for open questions and 0% points on the second attempt for multiple choice questions).

You can change these settings for both regular as for decision tree (i.e. conditional logic) exercises.

IMPORTANT: these settings only apply for practicing. They do not affect the way these questions are used in tests.

How to change the settings?

For each subquestion in an exercise you can change the settings using the "edit settings" button. See an example of the button below.

In the edit screen you can change each of the settings individually by enabling the "overwrite" toggle, allowing you to specify the setting yourself. See an example below where we change the max attempts and feedback at incorrect end state, since we will use conditional logic to ask a follow up question in this example.

After editing you can close the popup window and click the save button to store the updated settings.

NOTE: be aware that changing the default value of one of the settings also means that if we update the default values in the future these exercises will not be affected by these new default values.

What is the effect of each setting for the student?

Max attempts

When changing the maximum number of attempts, the student will not get the default number of attempts to answer the question, but the number you specified. For example, see below that the student only gets one attempt.

Feedback at incorrect end state

When the student has answered the final attempt also incorrectly, the "feedback at incorrect end state" defines which feedback is shown. In our example we specified we do not want to show the detailed solution (but the feedback for the answer itself).

See below how this works for the example exercise. In this case we also triggered a follow up question using the decision tree logic.

Percentage of full points per attempt

Finally, you can also change the number of points a student receives for their second, third, nth attempt. You can do this by editing the attempt settings as shown below.

With these new settings, the student gets half of the points when answering correctly the second time.

Continuing our example, see how this affect the student's overal practicing session score when answering the follow-up question correctly on the 2nd attempt.

And the final score for the practice session is 25%, since the student answered one (out of two) questions correct on the second attempt.

Questions or feedback?

Do you have questions or feedback about these settings? Please reach out to us via the chat icon or via

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