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Editing a Multi-select Multiple Choice question

Some multiple choice question have multiple correct alternatives and thus may require more than one answer to be selected

Written by Eric Bouwers
Updated over 2 months ago

Some multiple question choices with more than one correct alternative require all of them to be selected in a final answer. For example, the following question has two correct answers:

Creating such a question within the editor is possible in the Multiple Choice question type.

First, select the question type Multiple Choice and add all answer options you want to give. After that, press the Edit Answer Settings button in the lower left corner:

This button will show you a modal to change the different answer settings. To create allow a student to select multiple answers click the Enable multi-answer mode toggle:

In this modal you can also select a Scoring Algorithm (see below for an explanation of each option). In our case we leave this on the default.

Correctness and Scoring

To explain the correctness and the scoring algorithms we take into account two properties:

  • whether the answer option is marked as correct (by you as the editor of the question)

  • whether the answer option was selected by the student.

We then decide the validity status for each answer option by the following table:

selected by student

not selected by student

marked as correct



marked as incorrect



The system decides if an answer is correct if all answer options have a status of valid. In other words, the student selected all of the answer options which are marked as 'correct', and none of the answer options which are marked as incorrect.

So, given our example question and the following answer selection:

We have two answer options with a status 'invalid' (the correct answer x = 1 and the incorrect answer x = -1). The other three answer options have a status of 'valid'.

Because in some cases you want to give partial scores you can select one of the following scoring algorithms:

Give all points if all answers are correctly selected

If all answer options have a status of 'valid' the score is 100% of the points, otherwise the score is 0.

Give percentage of points for each correctly checked/unchecked answer

We deduce a fixed number of percentage-points for each answer option which has a status of 'invalid'. The fixed number of percentage-points is 100 / nr of answer options.

So taking the question above as a starting point each answer option worth 100 / nr of answer options = 20 percentage points. For our example above the student will receive 100 - 2 * 20 = 60 of the points for this question.

Subtract percentage of points for all incorrectly selected answers

We deduce a given number of percentage-points for each answer option which has a status of 'invalid'. The given number of percentage points can be specified by you as an editor. This means that if we choose 25 as the fixed percentage point the example selection above will lead to 100 - 2 * 25 = 50 % of the points being awarded.

Note: the minimum of percentage points is always 0, it is not possible to receive a negative number of points for a question.


The feedback for our example question is defined as follows:

When a student submits an answer the system will show the feedback of each selected answer if a student still has attempts left. When the student does not have any attempts left the system shows the feedback for each selected answer option and the feedback of all correct answer options.

The following is an example of the feedback for an incorrect selection of answer options when the student has attempts left:

and when the student does not have any attempts left:

Feedback, comments, questions

If you have any questions, remarks, or comments about the way the multiple select question works please let us know. Either contact us via the chat button below or sent us an e-mail via

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