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Delete users as an Organisation Admin

As organisation (administrator) you are in control of your organisational data within Grasple. Deleting users is an action available to you.

Thijs Gillebaart avatar
Written by Thijs Gillebaart
Updated over a week ago

NOTE: this article is only relevant for administrators of an organisation within Grasple. Not sure whether you are the administrator, please reach out to your contact person at Grasple for more information.

Grasple has been build with privacy and security as an important pillar. We embrace privacy laws and build our platform accordingly.

When using Grasple as an organisation, you as an organisation are in control of the (user) data in the platform. At any time you as organisation admin can contact us about this to execute certain processes if needed by law or rules within your organisation.

Deleting single users

When you want to delete single users, you can now as organisation admin:

  1. Go to your admin panel

  2. Go to the users panel

  3. Find the user by searching on email

  4. Click the "delete user" button.

  5. Confirm the deletion.

IMPORTANT: Deleting a user is an irreversible action, meaning that once you confirm the deletion, the user account will be deleted permanently and there is no way to retrieve the data ever again.

Searching for a user

Confirming deletion

Getting access to the delete feature

This action is only available for organisation administrators within organisations where this feature is enabled. Do you want this feature enabled within your organisation? Please reach out to us and we can enable this for your organisation.

If you have other questions about user deletion, always reach out to your contact person at Grasple.

Deleting multiple users

If you want to delete larger batch of students, please contact your support person to help you with this.


Do you any questions about this feature or want to get access to this feature for your organisation? Please reach out to use via email or the chat!

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