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How do I import MapleTA questions?
Thijs Gillebaart avatar
Written by Thijs Gillebaart
Updated over a year ago

Note: beta functionality

This functionality is in beta. We're very interested to hear your experiences with it.
If it does not function as you would expect it to, you miss certain options, or you just really wished it worked differently, please contact us using the chat icon on the bottom right.
We value your feedback as we are here to help you create great interactive exercises.


It is possible to import exercises from MapleTA in Grasple. Most parts are imported automatically.
However, not all parts of MapleTA exercises can be imported automatically. This is due to variable format of the MapleTA export files and the non-open definition used by MapleTA for their export files.

Important: a manual check will be done by the Grasple content team before the import result is viewable by you.

These elements of the exercises will be automatically imported

  • Text into Grasple's description and question fields

  • Sub-questions in a multi-step-question

  • Type of question in case it is one of the following types: Multiple Choice, Numeric, Math (incl. Matrix)

  • LaTeX

These elements require manual checks

  • Answer syntax

  • Check syntax other than the standard algebraic check for Math and Numeric

  • Multiple Choice questions with multiple correct answers

  • Other question types than Multiple Choice, Numeric, Math

Manual import required on

  • Parametrization from MapleTA to Grasple requires a manual import

  • Images need to be added to the question manually

The following MapleTA question types are recognized during import

  • Multiple Choice, Non Permuting Multiple Choice

  • Formula, Formula Mod C, Multi Formula

  • Numeric

  • Maple

In case you need help on importing from MapleTA, please contact us.

Below you find a detailed step-by-step explanation on how to import exercises from MapleTA.

Steps to import exercises from MapleTA

For importing content from a MapleTA xml file into Grasple, take the following steps:

  • Step 1: Go to 'repositories'.

  • Step 2: Choose/create the repo where you want to import the file in.

  • Step 3: Go to the tab 'Imports'.

  • Step 4: Select 'new MapleTA import'.

  • Step 5: Upload your (single) xml file, give the import a name and click on the button 'import' (note: this can take some time for larger imports (roughly 1 minute per 5 questions)).

    Make sure that the file type is Unicode text, UTF-8 text, otherwise the import will fail!

  • Step 6: A manual check will be done by the Grasple content team. You will be notified as soon as possible about the status of your import.
    Once the check is completed, go back to your import overview and click on the name of the newly created import to go to the exercises overview of the import.

  • Step 7: Refresh to see if more exercises are found in the file and imported. This may take a while. The exercises become visible after all of them are processed by the importer.

  • Step 8: Click on a single exercise to view it and adjust if needed.

  • Step 9: Within the exercise you can click on “import files” in the top right corner of the question.

  • Step 10: In “import files” you can view the 3 JSON files: parsed original (used for creation of the Grasple question), sanatized original, original based on xml. Use these files to check the algorithm and parsed questions.

  • Step 11: Go back to the exercise via the back arrow in the top left corner.

  • Step 12: Adjust the exercise as necessary based on the import files associated with it.

  • Step 13: Go back to import (by clicking on repositories) and change the status of the question from “saved” to “To Be Reviewed” to indicate the first check is done. Changing the status is done by clicking on the status and selecting the new status in the drop-down menu.

  • Step 14: When finished with importing, set the status to "Reviewed". You can now link this exercise to a subject in your repository and share it with your students in your course. Changing the status is done by clicking on the status and selecting the new status in the drop-down menu.

Note: beta functionality

This functionality is in beta. We're very interested to hear your experiences with it.
If it does not function as you would expect it, you miss certain options, or you just really wished it work differently, please contact us using the chat icon on the bottom right.
We value your feedback as we are here to help you create great interactive exercises.

In case you need help on importing from MapleTA, please contact us.

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