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Update: new editor for Exercises and Subjects
Written by Eric Bouwers
Updated over a week ago

We are very happy to announce the immediate availability of the new and improved editor for Exercises and Subjects!

These new editors are completely backwards compatible with your existing content and are now available transparently within the platform.

What has changed?

The new editors have an updated UI which is inline with the current way the content is shown to students in courses. In addition, the editor pages integrate a new text-editor which includes (amongst others):

  • improved support for images, both static images as well as parameterised charts,

  • more advanced table features,

  • better support for a wider range of Latex commands in the math-editor,

  • tab completion for a wide range of Latex commands in the math-editor,

  • additional rendering support for non-parseable Latex

In addition to this the complete editor pages are redesigned to take accessibility in mind. This means that, for example, the keyboard navigation between the different components have been greatly improved and the editor can also be used on smaller screens than before.

There are many more smaller and bigger improvements, all of which should make the editing experience better and faster.

Why this change?

We strive to make the editing experience within the platform as easy as possible. One of the building blocks of this is the WYSIWYG editor, what you see is what you get. Due to the update of how the exercises are shown within the platform of students, the editor needed to be updated to be updated as well.

In addition, the old editor was not as easy to extend as we wanted. This resulted in some features being postponed for a long time, or simply not considered because integrating the features in the old editor would take too much time. This new editor has been build on top of existing, well-proven, and active open-source components such as CKEditor and Mathlive which allows us to incorporate new features more easily, more reliable, and faster.

Questions or Feedback?

If you have any questions, comments, or run into problems with these new editors please reach out to us via the chat icon in the right bottom or reach out to us via

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